A guide to adopting one of our rescue dogs

This is a quick guide to adopting one of our rescue dogs

  • Fill out our form on the page of the dog you are interested in.
  • We will then contact you and have a chat about your chosen dog and answer any questions you have.
  • We will also explain the costs involved.
  • If you are still interested we will arrange a home check.
  • If the home check is successful we will then arrange for the transport of your chosen dog.

you can view a copy of our home check form below.

Home Check Form

Home check completed by:

Date of home check:

Name of dog:

Potential Adopters Details

Full Name:

Full Address:

Contact Number:

Emails Address:


Home Checker: Please verify that you have seen 2 pieces of identification stating the person's name and address as stated on this form: i.e., Driving License, Council/Utility Bill, Passport, Bank Statement, etc.

About the people

How many adults live in the household?

How many children live in the household?


Are there visiting children?

If Yes (ages and how frequently do they visit)?

Is the home occupier owned or rented?

If rented, are the tenants permitted to have dogs on the property?

Home Checker: can you verify with proof/sight of the tenancy agreement or landlord's authorization..(please take photo evidence)

About the property

Type of property: Detached, Terrace, Flat etc.

What is the general condition of the house?

Location: Country/Village/Town etc.

Is there a porch or a second door at the entry?

What arrangements will they have for a dog when the door is opened if there is none of the above?

Is there a busy road in front of the property?

Is there a garden?

Is it enclosed and secure?

Is there a gate? (is it generally locked?) /

Height and condition of any fencing or walls: /

Could a dog escape by jumping or digging?

Are there any dangerous objects or hazards?

Is there a pond?

What is the general condition of the garden?

Home Checker: please recommend any changes in security if required

Other Pets

Are there any other pets?

Are they vaccinated/ Microchipped/ Insured/ Neutered?

If “NO” to any of the above please ask for clarification on the reason why not:

What are the condition of any existing pets?

Do they appear well cared for and not fearful?

What Breed/ Age/ Sex are they?

If there are other pets can you see a food/water bowl and does it have food and clean water in it?

Where do the resident dogs sleep?

Where would the new dog sleep?

How would you introduce the new dog to existing dogs and children?

If there are no other pets has the person ever owned a dog previously?

Have they ever re-homed a dog and for what reason?

Do they understand the needs and behavior of the breed of rescue dog they are looking to adopt?

Do they understand a foreign street dog may not be house trained, may have food/toy aggression or anxiety?

Home Checker: Please discuss the need for children to leave dogs alone when they are resting and advise that rescue dogs can appear fine for a few weeks but can then exhibit problems…

About the new dog

How much exercise do they plan on give the dog daily?

Where do they plan to walk the dog?

Are they prepared to go to training classes?

Do they work?

If so how many hours is the dog likely to be left alone each day?

What arrangements are in place for when they go on holiday?

If the dog will travel in a car, how will the dog be secured?

Home Checker: Please advise re Harnesses/ Creates/ Dog Guards and the need to double lead dogs with at least one slip lead for several months or until the dog accepts them/ has settled in its new home.

Other questions

Would they cope with a boisterous dog or require a more sedate dog?

Have they ever re-homed a dog before?

Home Checker: Please explain that if a situation arises or they cannot keep the dog they MUST contact the rescue immediately and the dog MUST be returned to their care.

Home Checker

Is there anything else you would like to tell us/ add about this household?

Would you be happy to place a dog in this home?

Please write anything you feel is relevant in helping us with the decision to place a dog with the named above.